Ra'Lyn Bell Walks All Over Shriner's Hearts

These legs look almost like small cowboy boots. Well, stand back and give this little girl some room and she will be out 'out of the chute' like a runway horse.

Ra'Lynn Bell was born without feet and without a left hand. In December 1999, shortly after her first birthday, she was fitted with these new legs. She was sponsored by the Faulkner County Shrine Club and has become a well-known darling to all of the Scimitar Shrine Temple. Below is a collection of photos from her first visit to the Faulkner County Shrine Club standing on her own 'two feet'.

The day of February 17, 2000 had been a long one for such a little angel. She had been taken to Shreveport for additional fittings and to correct some minor problems. She had to endure the long drive home, only instead of finding her own bed for some well deserved rest, she was taken to a room full of Shiner's wanting her to stand and pose for photos. She endured as much as any tired girl could, but after all, everyone is entitled to some rest.

(P.S. Anyone with more photos of Ra'Lyn is welcome to email them to us or contact the webmaster so they can be added here. Email the webmaster at: alkaren@flash.net

Click on the small photo for full size version.

Ra'Lyn Walks

First Studio Photos

First Studio Photos

Proud Fez's

Christmas Party

Christmas Party

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